Speed to Lead and Response Time: Critical Strategies for Insurance Appointment Setting

May 30, 20243 min read

Speed to Lead and Response Time: Critical Strategies for Insurance Appointment Setting

In the fast-paced world of insurance appointment setting, the significance of speed to lead and response time cannot be overstated. For a successful tele-sales campaign, these factors are absolutely crucial. Let's delve into why this is the case and explore a powerful CRM that can revolutionize your lead management process.

The Importance of Speed to Lead and Response Time

Understanding the critical nature of speed to lead and response time can transform your insurance appointment setting strategy. Here are some compelling statistics from Podium:

  • 78% of customers purchase from the first responder.

  • Conversion/Appointment rates are 8x higher in the first 5 minutes.

  • Only 37% of companies achieve a lead response time of one hour or less.

  • Customers expect businesses to reply to their email queries within a day or less.

  • Responding within the first hour meets the expectations of 88% of consumers.

  • Responding to leads after 30 minutes is 21x less effective.

  • 41% of companies find following up with leads quickly a challenge.

  • 44% of leads are generated outside of business hours.

These stats highlight the jarring reality of response times for most insurance agents. As an independent insurance agent, you can't be in two places at once. With numerous tasks such as outbound dialing, attending appointments, promoting your business, running ads, and servicing current clients, it’s nearly impossible to respond to every lead immediately.

Swayze CRM: Your Solution for Effective Insurance Appointment Setting

Introducing Swayze CRM's "Lead Safety Net Program," designed to bridge the gap in your lead response time and ensure you never miss an opportunity. Here's how it works:

Stand-Alone Plan - $97/Month: Lite Safety Net Program

This plan provides full access to our winning automations and Facebook ads. It includes a lite version of our Lead Safety Net (LSN) program, accessible during your free 14-day trial.

Speed to Lead: If you don’t call a new Facebook lead within the first 4 minutes, we will triple-dial the lead and set an appointment directly on your Swayze calendar. If the lead doesn’t answer, we will leave a voicemail on your behalf.

Advanced Plan - $297/Month: Full Safety Net Program

In addition to full CRM access and a fully managed Facebook ad campaign, this plan offers comprehensive features of our lead safety net program.

Speed to Lead: Same as the Stand-Alone Plan.

Missed Call Call Back: If you miss a call from a lead and don’t call back within 4 minutes, we will triple dial the lead to set an appointment.

No-Show Disposition: If a lead misses an appointment, we will dial the lead and use our rebooking SMS/Email automations to rebook the appointment.

Chatbot Timeout: If your chatbot is ghosted by a lead, our appointment setter team will follow up via SMS or phone call to set an appointment.

24/7 Keyword Listening: Our system listens to texts and emails for hot words or phrases and responds within 4 minutes if you don't.

Done-For-You - $797/Month: Full Safety Net Program + Answering Service

This plan includes multiple Facebook ad campaign management, full CRM setup/management, and all features of the lead safety net program. Additionally, it offers a dedicated answering service.

Answering Service: Inbound calls can be directed to our answering service to set appointments or perform live transfers to you or your team. This service is available during and after office hours, ensuring no call is missed.

Additional Features:

  • Weekly 1-hour Zoom sessions

  • Custom automations and integrations

  • HIPAA security upgrades

  • A la carte feature selection for tailored solutions

  • Secure data management

Appointment Setting Programs

Option 1: Rent-a-caller Option 2: Full-Time Caller/VA

Our experienced appointment setters can dial your old leads or lists, ensuring you maximize every opportunity.


In the competitive field of life insurance appointment setting, speed to lead and response time are paramount. With Swayze CRM, you can optimize these critical moments, enhancing your chances of closing sales and growing your business. Explore our plans and see how Swayze CRM can transform your insurance appointment setting strategy.

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